Saturday, August 14, 2010

"Pirates of the Silicon Valley"

1. What are the factors that contributed to the success and failure of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur?

After watching the movie entitled “Pirates   of the Silicon Valley”, there are lots of factors to consider that contributed to the success and failure of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur because he has a strong and unique personality that is rarely seen during his time as he was venturing to business.

The factors that contributed to his success are:

I could see the determination in him during the time he was venturing to business. It is not easy to take a risk the same thing as he did that he does not have enough money to support their business and everything he did just to borrow adequate amount of money to start the operation of the business. He never quitted lending money from the bank until no one had ever let him lend. Until such time there is a venture capitalist that invested money to their business.

I like the personality of him in which he always have an aim in everything he do. Every work he does he always have focus. Focus is the ability to have full concentration on what you are doing to be able to meet your goal on what you are expected to happen or aim. I think it is one of the best factors that contributed to the success of Steve Jobs because I see in him in the movie that he really give importance on what he was doing or planning that made him reach what he have now.

This is one of the best traits that a technopreneur should possess and Steve Jobs have it. He always emphasizes hard work on their company especially on his employees making their products or working on the new innovations they could create for the development of the business. We could really see that he almost tie the neck of his employees he have because he wanted that on every series of computers or hard wares they release, they could give their best shot that could satisfy the customers. Now we can see the fruits of his labor with the help of the great invertors and innovators of their company that really testify that he reach his goals in life.

Steve Jobs creates new development of computers on their time with the help of Steve Wozniak which is his best partner in business. Together they made an evolution of computers that made them the first commercially successful small computer with a graphical user interface that really change our lifestyle today that what we are enjoying as of now and give pleasure and enjoyment through the devices that we have with the physical features that really entertains us. They are also one of the contributors that helps made life easier with the help of computers and with the development of communication that made the world smaller.

The factors that contributed to his failures are:

Though he was successful as he was right now, he still have gone failures in his life as a technopreneur because during his venture as the co-founder and chief executive officer of the Apple company, he was too cruel and unjust regarding with his employees that made them almost offer their lives just to meet the expectation of Steve Jobs and for the success of each inventions they made. The time came that the working for him almost full with him that made them decided to leave the Apple Company and that is a loss for the company and he also loss his one and only best partner and best friend Steve Wozniak.

Here are some of the traits that contributed to the failures of Steve Jobs:

Due to lack of self control that every time that he sees his employees not working enough to what he was expecting much of it that he always scold and shout on the his people and never considers that they are not perfect to make every work they made great as to what Steve wants.

He always wanted everything is in perfect condition and every work must be almost beyond perfection. He never listens to the explanation of his people because he only cares about the perfect release of each invention they have.

 He was inconsiderate in a way that he only wants that his idea must to be done and he never accept the other ideas of his people that they made. He never cares for the benefit of his people and even the health of his employees because they worked on 90 hours a week and sometimes they go beyond the expected hours to work that they almost live on the office and just work on the project or assignment given to them by Steve. The fact that they almost give everything to Steve, still they always hear ticking-off and discouragement that deprives their personality and made them feel that they are worthless.

He was insensitive for the feelings of the people surrounding him especially on the people working for him. He was then insensitive even in his own first girlfriend that he never accepts the child that her girlfriend is bearing because he give almost his life to the goal and ambition he wanted to reach and give all emphasis on it. He never cares for the well-fare of his girlfriend and to his first child that not knowing it may affect his business and credibility.

He easily gives trust to the people around him especially by the time he have collaboration with Bill Gates to work on his company. He gives all information regarding the development of a new series of computer of their company and give a full trust on him not knowing that Bill Gates have a secret plan to copy the operating system of it and have more enhancement of it. Bill Gates made it because he claims that he was that about to buy the XEROX computer but then Steve jobs get it first. Its already late that Steve Jobs knows about the plan of Bill gates.

2. How do you see yourself as a technopreneur?

Well for me as I see the movie, maybe I could relate a little on the movie and see myself as a technopreneur because I do have some qualities of a good entrepreneur. Being a technopreneur is not an easy thing to do. There are specific qualities that are absolutely necessary if you would like to become successful in your business ventures in the market that gain a more profit to what you expected. Some of these qualities are built-in parts of your inherent personality which is already within you, and some of them get developed over time through learning and from past experiences. Knowing these characteristics and identifying your weak ones, which need strengthening - will, eventually, will help you become a successful entrepreneur.

According to, an entrepreneur is a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome. So it means that an entrepreneur is the one who started the business in which it relates to his or her expertise and likes to do. While a technopreneur is the one like the entrepreneur but do apply technology as a business.

Again according to Robert L Schwarz, “The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and an actualizer. He can visualize something, and when he visualizes it he sees exactly how to make it happen.”, so it means that I have to visualize the thing that I want to happen someday and act on it. Well visualizing something is not an abrupt thing that easily comes up to my mind and let it also happen immediately. Slowly things would come up in my through unusual happenings like walking or even just observing silence and through with that unusual things I may able to formulate the things I want to have someday especially having a business in the future. I actually these tings that I am planning for my future on what things I would like to do and having a business is also one of my goals because someday I would like to help others especially the needy people or the poor ones to have a better life and experience what the higher state of people do experienced and let them raised from poverty.with the help of this subject I may able to develop my technopreneurial skills that slowly I may apply it. I should be wise like an advanced thinker that knows how to predict the future.I should study my competitors. I should think to come up with greater products and services that will serve my customers better. I do practices patience, humility, rejoices in the truth, avoids evil acts, maintains hope and uplifts faith. I should also keeps real good relationships with my employees, co-owners, investors, creditors, debtors and customers not like Steve Jobs did to his workers that he ticks-off and discourage that deprives their personality and made them feel that they are worthless. I should protect my business, my employees and my consumers. All these are things to consider in starting a business still I have to learn. But some them are already in me so I just need develop more to become a good technopreneur.

As I was a kid, I already sell foods like chocolates, candies and other more. Maybe I do possess some good qualities of a good entrepreneur but on the side of being a good technopreneur, maybe by this time im not soo good to have it. Maybe it takes me time to learn more about technopreneurship because just like to what Steve Jobs and Bill Gates did on the movie played in the “Pirates of the Silicon Valley”, they really think on what business they might start that would really gain profit. During their time they have the difficulty to choose on what they would create for their business because during that time a lot of big companies are being built especially the IBM. They need a strategy on how to compete with the IBM since they have known for a long time in the market. How much more with our present time that there are a lot of inventions of computers, gadgets and other products of technology that have been presented and sold in the market. Another there are a lot of companies to compete with their products that could hit the market and get the attention of the consumers and buy my product. I know that there are a lot of ways to become a technopreneur but it is not easily be done because it needs a bigger investment and I should have the capability to become an innovative person in creating a new product that would help the needs of the people and that would hit the market. Little by little I would become like them someday and all must start into small business or even a simple starting. Maybe I need to know or master myself first in order to venture or enter a business because knowing myself first is a good tool for me to know what is my likes and dislikes to do and by that process I may able to know what kind of product I may able to sell in the market. Also with the help of the latest technology, I should know about it that I could apply what I have learn from it through learning from school and have a mastery of it. There are a lot of things I need to know more about technopreneurship so that by the time that I would start my business, it is fully palnned and I could benefit from it as to what Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have experienced with their life now. As of now I would start having a blog just like what I am doing right now though I could earn a little but still I have my own little income and someday more than I would become. Right now I am just learning and absorbing it, put into practice.     

3. Would you take the same career path that Steve Jobs took? Why or why not?

For me I would not take the same career path that Steve Jobs took because every one of us has different paths to success and career and the career that Steve Jobs taking path is not good or even worst for me in such a way that he has lots of wrong paths taken and made his life worst that he have already destroyed other peoples lives especially on his own first family. He made a wrong choice not to take responsibility of his girlfriend and his first child by the time he knew that her girlfriend is pregnant. He knew then that it was his child but he disregard it. Maybe by the time he accepted his first family, he may then be happy not later than now and be more successful as of now because he had his inspiration to move and work hard more for his family. Her wife could then give some advices for him to be more effective and nice co-founder and chief executive officer of the Apple Company. He would never also loose hiss only best partner and best friend if he only listens to him by the time that his friend is not anymore happy on what Steve Jobs doing to his own company. He was too cruel and unjust regarding with his employees that made them almost offer their lives just to meet the expectation of Steve Jobs and for the success of each inventions they made. The inconsideration in a way that he only wants that his idea must to be done and he never accepts the other ideas of his people that they made. He never cares for the benefit of his people and even the health. He made his own war and create a division on his people that may affect the company or even worst could bring it down. He let it pass the opportunity of his workers to grow and develop their inventions and capabilities that could may bring more profit to the company and it is a big asset for them. He never listens to the explanation of his people because he only cares about the perfect release of each invention they have. For me I don’t want those people who don’t know how to listen because those kinds of people have pride that they don’t want to be underestimated and mandated or dictated by others. That he may still have long term of managing his company and never undergo such times that he was out of his own established business. He was also too abused with his own self that he takes drugs during his college days that by the past years not so lately, he was diagnosed with a cancer but then luckily the cancer was healed he had a fast recovery that made him back again to Apple.

On the positive side, maybe I could get or imitate the career path that Steve Jobs took especially on the factors that contributed to his success. I like his strong and unique personality. The perseverance he have that made him do everything just to reach what he wants to reach and want to be someday. In me I do have perseverance but not like Steve Jobs that he has the quality of it that you could really want to have that never easily surrenders and just go on until you get what you want. The eagerness to have it that he had used all his capabilities just to reach his goal and have it happen someday. Never looses hope every time he encounters discouragement and never be affective with it because he is optimistic in a way that he always thinks that there is always a solution to the problem. The risk taking attitude that he studies first if he could benefit from it and then take the risk to venture with it and never stop until it is all bring to reality the thing he wishes to become true. Staying focus that he always has an aim in everything he do that he wants everything is in a perfect condition. The flow of the work would be smooth yet effective and perfect. He just still focus despite that many problems are already surrounding and encountering him especially by the time that he knew that her girlfriend was pregnant and neglects his paternal responsibility and claims that he was sterile. He never quitted lending money from the bank until no one had ever let him lend. Until such time there is a venture capitalist that invested money to their business. The importance he gives on what he was doing or planning that made him reach what he have now and enjoy every moment of it. He always gives emphasizes to hard work on their company especially on his employees making their products or working on the new innovations they could create for the development of the business because in every hard work that we made there is always a great price for it. I like the creative mind he have that like an artist he gave full effort and feelings to innovate new creations on computers. Together with Steve Wozniak they made an evolution of computers that made them the first commercially successful small computer with a graphical user interface that really change our lifestyle today that what we are enjoying as of now and give pleasure and enjoyment through the devices that we have with the physical features that really entertains us. Now we can see the fruits of his labor with the help of the great invertors and innovators of their company that really testify that he reach his goals in life.

As to generalize all I would rather be a unique one take my own path because we will never know what path may the future take me as long as you are a good person and God knows what is best for you for me and someday I could better than  them.

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